Table of Contents

How to use FFT web

FFT Web is an Out-Of-Tree (OOT) block which sends a signal FFT by UDP to a websocket server. This websocket server packs and broadcasts this FFT data to websockets which can be opened by html/javascript code for real-time display of the fft in web-browsers (don't worry, we are providing that part ;) ).

The FFT Web block is part of the CorteXlab OOT module, but it can also be found on github.

How to use FFT Web block

FFT web is an FFT sink block you have to feed with the signal you want to analyze. For example you can put it just after a USRP Source block to act as a spectrum analyzer.

FFT Web can be tuned with several parameters :

The resolution of the graph will be samp rate/fft size.

How to see the result

To see the live results you can go to our web page

You will land on an empty page because you will have to configure the graphs corresponding to each of your FFT Web block. There are several parameters to set up before adding a new graph :